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  • Making Sense of Wine Tasting - Alan Young

Sommeliers' Heaven - Paolo Basso

Sommeliers' Heaven
For true wine enthusiasts there comes a moment when a rack in the basement no longer meets their demands. Wine cellars today are places to enjoy ones wine as time improves it, an ideal fusion of function and style. These spaces not only have perfectly controlled temperature, hu - midity, and air conditioning, but frequently also fascinat - ing designs at the same time. The editor of this volume, Paolo Basso, is a well-known professional in the wine industry as Best Sommelier of the World. He presents outstanding customized wine cellars rang - ing from sleek walk-in coolers in private residences, via traditionally styled cellars that are combined with tasting rooms in wineries, up to art-like installations in hotels and restaurants where the love of wine is celebrated like an event. The collection is a source of inspiration for wine connoisseurs convinced that fantastic wines deserve fan - tastic spaces for storing, displaying, sipping, and sharing.