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  • Illinois Wines and Wineries - Clara Orban

Shakespeare, Not Stirred - Caroline Bicks

Shakespeare, Not Stirred
Let the Bard into your lounge and have him whip up some sharp cocktails and soothing snacks for the comedy or tragedy in your life. From 'Get Thee to a Winery: Girls' Night Out' to 'Exit, Pursued by a Beer: Drowning Your Sorrows,' this stage-sensitive, merrily blended book brings a Shakespearean swirl to life's everyday highs and lows. Readers who downed Tequila Mockingbird and felt the force of William Shakespeare's Star Wars will thrill to its intoxicating mix of literary nerdery and cheeky wordplay. Caroline Bicks and Michelle Ephraim are eminent English professors and eminent merry punsters. While poking a little fond fun at the man who gave them their careers, they dish up a delightful high-low mash of food, drink, and drama. Shakespeare, Not Stirred pops all the corks. Remember, with Falstaff: 'thin drink doth so over-cool their blood'...