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  • Breakfast in Burgundy - Raymond B. Blake

The Juice Lady's Remedies for Asthma and Allergies - Cherie Calbom

The Juice Lady's Remedies for Asthma and Allergies
Living foods (raw foods) contain biophotons that are essential for the cellular health of our bodies. By simply adding more raw foods to your diet and eliminating the foods that tend to cause allergic reactions such as milk and wheat, you can bring your allergies under control naturally. Additionally, living foods have significant anti-inflammatory effects on our bodies helping mitigate the damage even minor reactions can cause.The Juice Lady's Remedies for Asthma and Allergies will include:<br />- Healing teas, juices, and smoothies<br />- Green smoothies that pack a powerful punch of phytonutrients and antioxidants<br />- Raw food recommendations<br />- An introductory section that provides tips on choosing the best juicer and the best produce, as well as tips for prepping, cleaning, storing juices and smoothies, and more!