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  • The Wine & Beer Maker's Year - Roy Ekins

Fine Waters - Michael Mascha

Fine Waters
Water is indeed everywhere - especially bottled water. High-end restaurants now have water lists in addition to wine lists, water bars are opening up around the globe, and gourmet markets are selling dozens of different varieties of domestic and imported bottled waters. Consumers are beginning to recognize that bottled water, like wine, has a unique identity that is defined by its origin-whether springs, wells, or glaciers. According to connoisseur Michael Mascha, proprietor of the Web site finewaters.com, bottled water deserves some focused attention and a prominent place on our tables. Bottled waters can be an epicurean delight if water is paired with the right food, served in the right stemware, and enjoyed at the right temperature. But unfortunately, bottled water drinkers are exposed to only a few of the major brands, and until now, there's never been a guide for connoisseurs.


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