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New Brew It Yourself - Leigh Beadle

New Brew It Yourself
Most brands of American beer taste pretty much the same. Imported beer, while offering more variety, tends to be too expensive for the average consumer. As a result, Americans have turned in greater and greater numbers to home brewing. Leigh Beadle's Brew It Yourself has, since it first appeared in 1971, become the home brewer's bible. The book clearly and simply outlines how, at minimalcosts, anyone can make a wide variety of of superior beer-better than any store-bought product. Brew It Yourself was an instant best-seller. In this revised edition, Leigh Beadle brings the reader up to date on the many improvements in equipment and ingredients now available to the home brewer. For all those who derive satisfaction from making good products in their own home, for cost-conscious consumers who suspect that much of what they buy does not live up to the manufacturer's promises, for beer lovers everywher, The New Brew It Yourself will be an invaluable, welcome guide.