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Brew It Yourself - Leigh Beadle

Brew It Yourself
New techniques, new recipes, and a new chapter on stout have been added to Mr. Beadle's best-selling manual for all who want to produce at home a superb brew that is high in nutrition and low in calories. It is no longer necessary, if you follow the author's procedure, to mash barley and invest in costly copper utensils in order to make a superior beer with minimum fuss and maximum enjoyment. Fifteen days after bottling, you will have a beer that is equal or superior to the finest German imports; it bears no relation to the "home brew" of Prohibition days.<br /><br />Unlike most books on beer making, Brew It Yourself was written specifically for the American public. Ingredients, and where to obtain them, are mentioned by brand name.<br /><br />Brew It Yourself is a foolproof guide for people who derive pleasure and satisfaction from making a good product in the home, for all who love good beer and wine, for the consumer-minded public that suspects that much of what they buy does not live up to the manufacturers' promises. We assure you that Brew It Yourself lives up to its promise.<br /><br />Readers will also want to own Making Fine Wines and Liqueurs at Home, Mr. Beadle's manual for making wines, sparkling wines, sherry, port, and liqueurs-all at a low cost in spite of skyrocketing prices of today's commercial wines.