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  • The Wine & Beer Maker's Year - Roy Ekins

The Wine Lover Cooks with Wine - Sid Goldstein

The Wine Lover Cooks with Wine
From the author of the best selling Wine Lover's Cookbook comes the Wine Lover Cooks With Wine - 80 recipes using wine as the signature ingredient. After showing us how well wine on the table can complement a meal, Sid Goldstein is here to teach us how using wine in a recipe can add complexity and intensity to any dish. In his customary easy-going style Goldstein explains how different wines work best in different styles of cooking as well as how they bring out or compliment flavours inherent in main ingredients. Whether used to delicately poach fresh fish, braise an intense stew, or as a dark, rich reduction, the addition of wine can make a boring dish great and a great dish spectacular. Starting with an introduction to varietals, fortified, and specialty wines, the book is then organized by cooking technique - Sauces, steaming, Simmering and Poaching, Marinating, and Braising. Finally, a chapter of Side Dishes and Desserts (wine free) round out a fabulous meal. For those curious to know more about cooking with wine, a bibliography points readers in the right direction. For those who love their wine, The Wine Lover Cooks With Wine is the ultimate guide to cooking with wine.