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  • The Learning Annex Presents the Pleasure of Wine - The Learning Annex

The Curious World of Wine - Richard Vinen

The Curious World of Wine
The Curious World of Wine is a fascinating miscellany about the colorful characters, celebrated places, and quirky events surrounding wine-making. Recounting wine tales that are by turns amusing, surprising, and occasionally a bit naughty, wine expert Richard Vine reveals little-known facts such as: <br /><br />? The oldest vineyard still producing grapes is thought to be in Maribor, Slovenia, where vines up to four hundred years old remain fruitful. <br /><br />? ?Plonk,? a term used to insult any modestly priced wine, got its name from the French words for white wine?vin blanc, pronounced ?vawn blawnk,? which was corrupted to ?plawnk? or ?plonk.? <br /><br />? Thomas Jefferson was so eager to plant native French vines at his Monticello mansion that he nearly went bankrupt fruitlessly hiring experts to defeat a condition that caused European vines to mysteriously die in North American soil.<br /><br />? Touching wineglasses as a toast was originally a deft move to exchange a splash of wine into each other?s cup to ensure that neither party was being poisoned. <br /><br />The Curious World of Wine will keep any wine fan entertained and enlightened?from the most erudite connoisseur to Two Buck Chuck devotees.