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  • The Bartender's Best Friend - Mardee Haidin Regan

A Perfect Glass of Wine - Brian St. Pierre

A Perfect Glass of Wine
Many people see the enjoyment of wine as an intimidating and complicated matter, requiring a mastery of arcane rules and rituals. In fact, there's no more to it than putting each wine to the ultimate test: Does it taste good? Wine writer Brian St. Pierre's book begins by introducing the basic flavors of the several grape varieties used in making wines around the world. Once those are understood, all the rest flows smoothly—what distinguishes the colors and types, how to match wine with food, how to store and serve it, and even how much to spend on a bottle. St. Pierre's sensible approach combined with stunning photographs and elegant maps of the world's great wine-growing regions make this the perfect no-nonsense guide or lovely gift for anyone who wants to learn to understand, appreciate, and, above all, fully enjoy the fruit of the vine.