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  • The Only Wine Book You'll Ever Need - Danny May

A Complete Guide to Quality in Small-Scale Wine Making - Elizabeth Frankish

A Complete Guide to Quality in Small-Scale Wine Making
As the wine industry has experienced a period of rapid global expansion, there is a renewed emphasis on quality and consistency even within the small winery industry. Written for the small production program, A Complete Guide to Quality in Small-Scale Wine Making is for the novice to intermediate level winemaker seeking foundational information in chemistry and sensory science as they relate to wine quality at a technical level. Drawing from personal experience as well as scientific literature, this book introduces the core concepts of winemaking before delving into methods and analysis to provide practical insights into creating and maintaining quality in the wine product. You can understand the chemistry and sensory science at the foundation of quality wines. You can explore real-world examples of key analysis and application of concepts. You can practice methods and exercises for hands-on experience.